You plan to move your offices and/or with your whole production? Then we are the ideal partners because we can organise and coordinate your relocation trouble-free. Whereby our service offers more than just delicate packing, transport and the simple reconstruction of your office furniture, equipment and machinery. We support you with efficient area utilisation planning to optimise the use of existing office space. This can include the interior furnishing plan in regard to workplace regulations as also the cleansing of the premises and office furniture.
We transport your small and large machinery (up to 25 tons in weight) securely from the old to the new location – and that Europe-wide. The necessary equipment and especially the qualified personnel can be found at CLAUS and that now since many years, as our valuable experience is based on continuity and reliability within the team.
Discover the benefits for yourself...
of our professional skills during the move of an industrial robot and its whole control unit for our customer Cevotec. Breakdown, transport, unloading and move to the final production place. All from a single source. Your CLAUS Spedition.
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Karwendelstraße 9
D-82024 Taufkirchen
tel.: +49 (0)89 1250 914 - 0
fax: +49 (0)89 1250 914 - 15
Ludwig Bölkow Allee 40, Geb. 6.1
D-82024 Taufkirchen
tel.: 0049/89 1250 914-0
fax: 0049/89 1250 914-15
Zusamweg 6
D-86609 Donauwörth
tel.: +49 (0)906 1000
fax: +49 (0)906 1002